Xue Liming
1972 Born in Chengde, Hebei, China
1997 Graduated from Handan Education College, Hebei, China
■ Selected Group Exhibitions
2015 Breathing, Free Space Gallery, Beijing, China
Minsheng Art Merge And Gathering, Beijing, China
2013 We·1993-2013 Songzhuang Artists Group 20 Years Exhibition, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China
2012 Songzhuang Fringe Artists Group Exhibitipon, Songzhuang, Beijing, China
Winter Group Show, Free Space Gallery, Beijing, China
2011 7 Artists Group Exhibition, Free Space Gallery, Beijing, China
2010 Chinese Contemporary Art Yearbook
2009 Behavioral Art·How To Be A Good Communist, Songzhuang, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Main Melody·10-year Open International Behavioral Art Festival, 798, Beijing, China
China And Korea Contemporary Art exhibition, Beijing, China
2008 Art Warehouse·The 2nd Contemporary Oil Art Invitation Exhibition, East Art Zone, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Legand Series·Milk Milk, Modern Sky Music Festival, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Legand Series·River Bed, Chaobaihe River Bed, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Legand Series·Construction, The 4th Songzhuang Art festival, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Square Beats·Square Behavioral Art Exhibition, Beijing, China
2007 Everybody in·Taking Sunshine, Songzhuang Art Museum, Beijing, China
Art Meets Football Game, The Sun Gallery, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art Photos Exhibition, Yixiang Gallery, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Come Back From Death, Xi’an, China
Behavioral Art·June Gathering, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Everybody in·Walking, Beijing, China
Behavioral Art·Everybody in·Dizzy, Age Space, Beijing, China
2006 Very Kind·Art Group Exhibition, Ren Gallery, Beijing, China
Everybody in·Together, Ren Gallery, Beijing, China
2005 Everybody in·The Holidays, The 1st Songzhuang Art Festival, Beijing, China
2003 100 Artists Exhibition, Beijing Mainland Art Gallery, beijing, China
The 1st Youth Art Exhibition, Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
■ Art Fair
2011 Affordable Art Festival, Beijing, China
2009 Affordable Art, Ret T Gallery, Beijing, China